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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Of TDY's and Oaths

TDY at the local AF base? I have to say I like the way our fellow members are thinking. Both CAP blog and the Portal are abuzz with the idea of using CAP members to help out on base. And why not? I know plenty of CAP members at my squadron alone who have civilian job skills that would be an asset anywhere. Lets also think of another problem that plagues CAP: the fact that a lot of USAF personnel don't even know that we exist. Provided our members conducted themselves in a manner that reflected well on CAP, I think the increased exposure on base would be wonderful.

On another note I would like to thank Midway 6 for his updates on his recent trip to our nations capital, sounds like it was a great experience Midway. I like Midway was surprised to find that we have had CAP officers sworn in, and I for one fully support the idea that upon reaching a certain rank, a members must as Midway said " stand them up in front of a flag...raise their right hand and take the Oath". I always find it interesting to read the talkback sections on blogs, for instance on this post on CAPBlog regarding the Oath the responses were varied, ranging from satirical to supportive.

And on a final note: You may find updates will be more spaced apart than they were back in August when I first started; simply a matter of not having as much time as I did a month ago, but I assure you the posts will continue.


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