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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tail Spin

The word about the change of the tail markings on CAP airplanes from USAF-Aux to Civil Air Patrol is old news by now amongst the blog/forum community (if its over 3 days old, its old news). However a glaring example of this has been right in front of our noses and was brought to my attention by a member at CAPblog who commented on Midway Six's original post. Just go to the National website and look at the nice photo-chop work on the front page. Nice Tail-markings guys...

This constant distancing from the AF continues to disturb me. Do we represent the Air Force well? Perhaps at times, but obviously not as well as we could (IE Berry Board incident). The answer is however not to go on our own, but repair the ties to our parent organization. Make them proud to have us in their family, not the odd child out. Its not news that something needs to be done to salvage our relationship with big-brother, all the CAP forums have multiple threads devoted to the issue. I really think that if this wall continues to be built between our two organizations CAP will suffer massive membership issues, moreso than we already have.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couple things. First off, USAF is not CAP's "parent". CAP existed long before the USAF did.

Second, if repairing relations is a priority, doing stuff like allowing a national commander who makes calculated end-runs around USAF decisions he doesn't like (vis-a-via the new corporate uniform, aka the "TPU") to remain in office simply says "screw you" to the USAF.

Believe me, CAP needs USAF *far* more than USAF needs CAP. Our own "Li'l Fidel" doesn't understand that.

Lastly, the USAF AUX coming off the tails of corporate birds was at USAF's insistence, not something self-inflicted. Specifically, they do not want any markings that say "USAF" on any aircraft engaged in non-USAF-directed missions, such as CD and HLS.

2:33 PM  

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